Excel Functions
Excel Functions List
Below is a comprehensive list of Excel functions to help you become a master in Microsoft Excel.
AND | Test multiple conditions with AND | logical1logical2... |
BYCOL | Applies a LAMBDA to each column and returns an array | arrayfunction |
BYROW | Applies a LAMBDA to each row and returns an array | arrayfunction |
FALSE | Generate the logical value FALSE | |
IF | Test for a specific condition | logical_testvalue_if_truevalue_if_false |
IFERROR | Trap and handle errors | valuevalue_if_error |
IFNA | Trap and handle #N/A errors | valuevalue_if_na |
IFS | Test multiple conditions, return first true | test1value1test2, value2... |
LAMBDA | Creates a function value, to be called within formulas | parameter_or_calculation... |
LET | Assigns calculation results to names | name1name_value1calculation_or_name2name_value2... |
MAKEARRAY | Returns a calculated array | rowscolumnsfunction |
MAP | Returns an array by mapping each value to a new value | arraylambda_or_array2... |
NOT | Reverse arguments or results | logical |
OR | Test multiple conditions with OR | logical1logical2... |
REDUCE | Reduces an array to an accumulated value | initial_valuearrayfunction |
SCAN | Scans an array and returns a new array | initial_valuearrayfunction |
SWITCH | Match multiple values & return first match | expressionvalue1result1... |
TRUE | Generate the logical value TRUE | |
XOR | Perform exclusive OR | logical1logical2... |
ARRAYTOTEXT | Returns a text representation of an array | arrayformat |
BAHTTEXT | Converts a number to text (baht) | number |
CHAR | Returns a character specified by a code number | number |
CLEAN | Removes all non-printable characters from text | text |
CODE | Returns a numeric code for the first character in string | text |
CONCAT | Concatenates a list of range of text strings | text1text2text3... |
DOLLAR | Converts a number to text, using currency format | numberdecimals |
EXACT | Checks whether two text strings are exactly the same | text1text2 |
FIND | Returns the starting position of a string within another string | find_textwithin_textstart_num |
FIXED | Rounds a number to a specific number of decimals | numberdecimalsno_commas |
LEFT | Returns the specified leftmost characters from string | textnum_chars |
LEN | Returns the number of characters in a string | text |
LOWER | Converts all letters in a text string to lowercase | text |
MID | Returns characters from the middle of a text string | textstart_numnum_chars |
NUMBERVALUE | Converts text to number in a locale-independent manner | textdecimal_separatorgroup_separator |
PERCENTOF | Returns the percentage of a subset of a given data set | data_subsetdata_all |
PROPER | Converts a text string to proper case | text |
REPLACE | Replaces part of a text string with different text | old_textstart_numnum_charsnew_text |
REPT | Repeats text a given number of times | textnumber_times |
RIGHT | Returns the specified rightmost characters from string | textnum_chars |
SEARCH | Returns the number of the character (position) when found | find_textwithin_textstart_num |
SUBSTITUTE | Replaces existing text with new text in a text string | textold_textnew_textinstance_num |
T | Checks whether a value is text | value |
TEXT | Converts a value to text in a specific number format | valueformat_text |
TEXTAFTER | Returns text that's after delimiting characters | textdelimiterinstance_nummatch_modematch_end... |
TEXTBEFORE | Returns text that's before delimiting characters | textdelimiterinstance_nummatch_modematch_end... |
TEXTJOIN | Concatenates a list of range of text strings using a delimiter | delimiterignore_emptytext1... |
TEXTSPLIT | Splits text into rows or columns using delimiters | textcol_delimiterrow_delimiterignore_emptymatch_mode... |
TRIM | Removes all spaces from a text string except for single spaces | text |
UNICHAR | Returns the Unicode character referenced by a numeric value | number |
UNICODE | Returns the number corresponding to the first character of text | text |
UPPER | Converts a text string to all uppercase letters | text |
VALUE | Converts a text string that represents a number to a number | text |
VALUETOTEXT | Returns a text representation of a value | valueformat |