Excel Functions

Excel Functions List

Below is a comprehensive list of Excel functions to help you become a master in Microsoft Excel.


ANDTest multiple conditions with ANDlogical1logical2...
BYCOLApplies a LAMBDA to each column and returns an arrayarrayfunction
BYROWApplies a LAMBDA to each row and returns an arrayarrayfunction
FALSEGenerate the logical value FALSE
IFTest for a specific conditionlogical_testvalue_if_truevalue_if_false
IFERRORTrap and handle errorsvaluevalue_if_error
IFNATrap and handle #N/A errorsvaluevalue_if_na
IFSTest multiple conditions, return first truetest1value1test2, value2...
LAMBDACreates a function value, to be called within formulasparameter_or_calculation...
LETAssigns calculation results to namesname1name_value1calculation_or_name2name_value2...
MAKEARRAYReturns a calculated arrayrowscolumnsfunction
MAPReturns an array by mapping each value to a new valuearraylambda_or_array2...
NOTReverse arguments or resultslogical
ORTest multiple conditions with ORlogical1logical2...
REDUCEReduces an array to an accumulated valueinitial_valuearrayfunction
SCANScans an array and returns a new arrayinitial_valuearrayfunction
SWITCHMatch multiple values & return first matchexpressionvalue1result1...
TRUEGenerate the logical value TRUE
XORPerform exclusive ORlogical1logical2...


ARRAYTOTEXTReturns a text representation of an arrayarrayformat
BAHTTEXTConverts a number to text (baht)number
CHARReturns a character specified by a code numbernumber
CLEANRemoves all non-printable characters from texttext
CODEReturns a numeric code for the first character in stringtext
CONCATConcatenates a list of range of text stringstext1text2text3...
DOLLARConverts a number to text, using currency formatnumberdecimals
EXACTChecks whether two text strings are exactly the sametext1text2
FINDReturns the starting position of a string within another stringfind_textwithin_textstart_num
FIXEDRounds a number to a specific number of decimalsnumberdecimalsno_commas
LEFTReturns the specified leftmost characters from stringtextnum_chars
LENReturns the number of characters in a stringtext
LOWERConverts all letters in a text string to lowercasetext
MIDReturns characters from the middle of a text stringtextstart_numnum_chars
NUMBERVALUEConverts text to number in a locale-independent mannertextdecimal_separatorgroup_separator
PERCENTOFReturns the percentage of a subset of a given data setdata_subsetdata_all
PROPERConverts a text string to proper casetext
REPLACEReplaces part of a text string with different textold_textstart_numnum_charsnew_text
REPTRepeats text a given number of timestextnumber_times
RIGHTReturns the specified rightmost characters from stringtextnum_chars
SEARCHReturns the number of the character (position) when foundfind_textwithin_textstart_num
SUBSTITUTEReplaces existing text with new text in a text stringtextold_textnew_textinstance_num
TChecks whether a value is textvalue
TEXTConverts a value to text in a specific number formatvalueformat_text
TEXTAFTERReturns text that's after delimiting characterstextdelimiterinstance_nummatch_modematch_end...
TEXTBEFOREReturns text that's before delimiting characterstextdelimiterinstance_nummatch_modematch_end...
TEXTJOINConcatenates a list of range of text strings using a delimiterdelimiterignore_emptytext1...
TEXTSPLITSplits text into rows or columns using delimiterstextcol_delimiterrow_delimiterignore_emptymatch_mode...
TRIMRemoves all spaces from a text string except for single spacestext
UNICHARReturns the Unicode character referenced by a numeric valuenumber
UNICODEReturns the number corresponding to the first character of texttext
UPPERConverts a text string to all uppercase letterstext
VALUEConverts a text string that represents a number to a numbertext
VALUETOTEXTReturns a text representation of a valuevalueformat